
…to Remember, …to Forget

Jquery – The write less, do more javascript library has all sorts of different code samples that do a wide variety of things. Today, we’ll be looking at different Jquery Slideshow applications that can be used to diversify your homepage, content, or anywhere that is big enough to display an image. continue reading…

Select random rows with SQL…

Select a random row with MySQL:

SELECT column FROM table
LIMIT 1 continue reading...

lspci ( lists pci device)
lsusb ( lists usb device)
lsscsi ( lists scsi device)
fdisk -l ( lists hard drive)
dmidecode ( lists hardware model, serial number, cpu, memory. This command was handy when i needed to find serial number without a visit to data center)
cat /proc/cpuinfo ( more on cpu)
cat /proc/meminfo ( more on memory)

you can find a lot of information by using dmesg|more or grep what you are looking
dmesg | egrep ‘(SCSI|scsi0|ide0|hda|sda|serio|mice|eth0|eth1)’

cat /proc/cpuinfo

cat /proc/meminfo

Introduction to Objects in Visual Basic
Provides an introduction to the terms and concepts used in object-oriented programming.

Understanding Classes
Provides an overview of classes and an example of how to define a class.

Creating and Using Objects
Shows how to create and use instances of classes.

Collections in Visual Basic
Provides an overview of collections.

Events in Visual Basic
Shows how to declare and use events.

Delegates in Visual Basic
Shows how to declare and use delegates.

Interfaces in Visual Basic
Describes what interfaces are and how you can use them in your applications.

Inheritance in Visual Basic
Describes how to define classes that serve as the basis for other classes.

Shared Members in Visual Basic
Describes members that can be used without instances.

Early and Late Binding
Describes binding, which is performed by the compiler when an object is assigned to an object variable, and the differences between early-bound and late-bound objects.

Public Interface ICommonFunctions
Sub saverecord()
End Interface

Public Class frmSaleInvoice
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements ICommonFunctions            ‘<—– our Interface

…… Normal Form objects……

Public Sub saverecord() Implements ICommonFunctions.saverecord

….. The Function Body ….

End Sub

End Class

‘Similarly other forms

Public Class frmSomeOtherForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements ICommonFunctions            ‘<—– our Interface

…… Normal Form objects……

Public Sub saverecord() Implements ICommonFunctions.saverecord
….. The Function Body ….

End Sub

End Class

‘Then in MDI on a button click

If Not me.ActiveMDIChild Is Nothing then
DirectCast(Me.ActiveMdiChild,ICommonFunctions).saverecord()  ‘<— Call the function
End If

# remember you are using ActiveMDIChild and not ActiveForm so the child forms must have their MDIParent set to the MDI form

# echo -n "1122" | openssl dgst -md5
Using openssl:
 echo "1122" | openssl dgst -md5

and using MySQL:
 SELECT md5("1122");

echo -n, don't send the eol character.
(reset the wp password with mysql)

yum exclude

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continue reading…

2009-03-04 13:24image_134_2_resize
午飯時候的尖東海傍, 細雨落在廖廖數人的海傍公園。維港對岸浸淫在一片雨霧之中, 腳下海浪輕拍著, 渡輪緩緩的飄浮來往……
已是多少歲月了, 未嘗如此安然的感覺。

文化中心的婚姻登記處, 剛剛遞交了結婚申報表。image_135_2_resize

心中安寧, 是因為我已決定了我的去向。

朋友們, 祝福我們吧…

BB、bb, 我們攜手邁步吧, 途中也許風風雨雨, 我們攜手並肩上吧…
好了, 下一站醫院產房!


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before i will forget, i should memorise this.

The word in Chinese ‘XinFu’, should be defined as:  Happy, lucky, contented, and appreciated.

My friend, i known, your memory last to the moment of getting out of the toilet, mine is not too much longer than yours. My memory last to the moment of getting in of the taxi again. After tacking you home, setting you in the couch, and i left. I did talk to the taxi driver for something, but i lost the memory of how getting out of the taxi, how did i get to the toilet and washed, and how did i get into the bed. Memory stopped here. The next moment is i was waked up by her, told me the alarm of my mobile phone was just shout. I brushed and washed, and catched the bus i’m taking now.
I am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, i am so appreciated.
Without knowing of how getting into the bed, I was waked up, my t-shirt, trousers, socks are ready.
i am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, and i am so appreciated.

I am so ‘XinFu’.
Sitting in the bus, i am going to take a snap, before i lost my memory again, i noted this down.

Kisses to my Babies………..with Love (K)

2009-02-23 Monday 06:40am on.the.bus

Mr. Jiang said: 「悶聲發大財」, but i was really happy when i saw the two red lines though i had known the result.
Date: Nov 16, 2008

I was really happy.

Nothing is difficult, we will stand hand in hand and face it and solve it all.

Keep smiling, with Love.