before i will forget, i should memorise this.

The word in Chinese ‘XinFu’, should be defined as:  Happy, lucky, contented, and appreciated.

My friend, i known, your memory last to the moment of getting out of the toilet, mine is not too much longer than yours. My memory last to the moment of getting in of the taxi again. After tacking you home, setting you in the couch, and i left. I did talk to the taxi driver for something, but i lost the memory of how getting out of the taxi, how did i get to the toilet and washed, and how did i get into the bed. Memory stopped here. The next moment is i was waked up by her, told me the alarm of my mobile phone was just shout. I brushed and washed, and catched the bus i’m taking now.
I am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, i am so appreciated.
Without knowing of how getting into the bed, I was waked up, my t-shirt, trousers, socks are ready.
i am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, and i am so appreciated.

I am so ‘XinFu’.
Sitting in the bus, i am going to take a snap, before i lost my memory again, i noted this down.

Kisses to my Babies………..with Love (K)

2009-02-23 Monday 06:40am on.the.bus